Here is a dish that is very easy to prepare and it's one of pumpkin pie's favorite dish..It only takes ant 30 minutes to prepare. It's delicious when eaten with ripe banns and brown sugar...hmmm yummy that's my kids favorite outburst when it finds it's way to the dining table.
Serving Size: 4 person
1 cup semolina
4 tbsp oil or ghee
1/2tsp mustard seeds
1 stalk curry leaves
1/2tsp urad and channa dhall each
1 onion choppe
2 green chillie chopped
2 tomatoes chopped finely
10 raisins
10 cashew nuts chopped or halved
salt to taste
Preparation Methods:
In a wok heat the semolina till warm to touch. Dish out onto a dry plate and keep aside. Heat the ghee or oil in wok and splutter mustard and crust leaves followed by dhalls. Fry til dhall turns light brown then add the onions chillie tomatoes raisins and cashew nuts. Fry for 5 minutes. Pour in one cup water and bring to boil. Add salt and stir Adjust and taste salt to your preference. Reduce heat and sprinkle semolina into the wok with left hand while you keep stirring with ur right. Add more ghee and quickly break up the lumps.. Turn off heat and transfer to a serving platter and serve with banana slices..
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